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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Today is marking exam paper so no need to go to school...horray + sad = :) + :(
Can't wait for Hari Raya only a couples of month to go :0

My hari raya baby photos wif my bro... Wander which want is me??
Think the photo are ugly...lick your mother tits before saying rubbishlah bodoh...

A video which i would like you guys to see

tis is a must watch video make me cry to see a boy dANCE SO WELL..SOB

The first participant who had made simon and amanda cry ...sob:( i got dirt in my eyes...

Tis is the most amazing unbeliveable act ever..this show not to judge a book by its cover.. and this time the participant was crying.. This was in the front page news...

This is the last video and my favourite participant as he was damn good..However there is a twist..This is a must watch video.. u will not expect him singing a song like that ...

Well thats all folk...

i blogged @
8:36 PM

Friday, May 15, 2009

Kau tak tahu betapa rapuhnya aku...
Kau tak tahu betapa sakitnya aku...
Kau tak tahu betapa deritanya aku..
Kau tak tahu betapa hancurnya aku...

Ok i have just finish emoing so lets continue to post...Anyway Liting tats is not your blog..which netballer blog did u gave me..got virus or not u bad seh...

Mcfly hasn't produce any new song yet so i m still waiting...Today have to go to religous class...sigh...anyway exam finish horay...:( ???

Now my bro got to said something so listen loud..,(Hi i;m zakirul Hakim tat is my long name my short name is zakir my extra short name is kir my extra large name is Md Zakirul Hakim...Thanks for listening to my bro carps..

song coming your way

Rapuh - Joeniar arif

I have no idea who is the singer but i think he is from Indonesia...Think so ...
tat the time i hav to entertain your kponess...


i blogged @
8:17 PM

Finish exam already....Don't bother sms or call my mh hp as i won't reply.Counting down Hari Raya about 6 month more....If u want to sembahyang terawah(pray) wif me n my frenz booked first k..While stock last..We pray at Masjid Ar-Raudhah...
So long i never update...:(

i blogged @
12:31 AM

Sunday, May 3, 2009

OMG yesterday just watch just my luck and just my luck the show was about Mcfly.
Just my luck!!!!!!!!!Hey can i noe anyone here is a fan of Mcfly or Jason Mraz or a fan of me??? some jokes...

A biker was riding along a California beach when suddenly the sky clouded above his head and, in a booming voice, the Lord said, “Because you have TRIED to be faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you one wish.” The biker pulled over and said, “Build a bridge to Hawaii so I can ride over anytime I want.”

The Lord said, “Your request is materialistic. Think of the enormous challenges for that kind of undertaking. The supports required to reach the bottom of the Pacific! The concrete and steel it would take! It will nearly exhaust several natural resources. I can do it, but it is hard for Me to justify your desire for worldly things. Take a little more time and think of something that could possibly help mankind.”

The biker thought about it for a long time Finally he said, “Lord, I want you to build a new world where only man lives there and there will be no women as they don"t understand us at all. I better be gay than to suffered in silence..."

The Lord replied, “You want two lanes or four on that bridge?.”

Another joke....

During a good manners and etiquette class being held for young children, the teacher says to her students:

“If you were dating a well educated young girl from a prominent family and during a dinner for two you needed to go to the toilet, what would you say to her?”

Mike replies: “Wait a minute, I’m going for a piss.”

The teacher says: “That would be very rude and improper on your part.”

Charlie replies: “I’m sorry I need to go to the toilet, I’ll be back in a minute.”

The teacher says: “That’s much better but to mention the word “toilet” during a meal, is unpleasant.”

And Little Johnny says: “My dear, please excuse me for a moment. I have to go shake hands with a personal friend, whom, I hope to be able to introduce to you after dinner.”

It means that little Johnny wants to have sex with the little girl..

i blogged @
3:29 AM

Saturday, May 2, 2009

oklah the paper.......Heck carelah all malay haha..........new song coming your way...

Kasih Mengapa - Rauzan Feat. Urban Sensation & Rozie

Pilihlah Aku (Remix) - Sleeq

why..am i racist posting malay song only... k lah english song coming your way...

Hey There Delilah (Remix) - Plain White Ts Ft Jay Z

Want me to post song that u want to a person that u lyk..can??but asked me personally

i blogged @
3:14 AM

Friday, April 24, 2009

Watch a vid at youtube(True Singapore Ghost Stories-Tuas Stood Still) Quite funny and scary too.

This is my blog i can do watever i like....So lyk it or not Dan my man...I change the classmate all of them so take a look at it....So boring....

Hey There Delilah (Remix) - Plain White Ts Ft Jay Z

i blogged @
11:16 PM

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Can't think of a story rite now..... Ras are u still viewing my blog???

Change my music box to jiwang mode...cool rite??? Anyway how is my story??? which want u guys like ghost, angry or John Ang (lol)

Ok i will tell u guys what happened when i chased the old lady...This is the continued of the angry story...

When i saw the makcik from the back, i chased her by jaywalking style... Then after i managed to cross safely, i pull the old lady hand and she fell. SUDDENLY, i found out that i got the wrong person..Manz..just my luck..rongz place at the rongz time...
The old lady scolded upside down sehh...

i blogged @
1:03 AM

Friday, April 17, 2009

Angry Story. Before i continued, plz feel free to add me in friendster. zafirzakirblakeryan@yahoo.com My angry story

After i illegally downloaded a movie called Transporter 3 from a net. I decided to buy a coca cola with some popcorn at bukit batok ntuc. Then when i was lining up, there was an old malay lady in front of me lining up too. She turned around and asked me to called her nenek(grandma) and i said. She told me to said it loude and i did as wat was tell. After that she called me cu(grandson) I felt happy as i thought i had helped a person. Finally my turned and the cashier(malay cashier) said"That will be $52"

I was like wat!! A bottle of coke with popcorn cost $52. The cashier said"I thought your grandma said that you will pay for her?"

I was like no way!! I have been cheated by an old lady. I quickly chased her(the old lady not the cashier) and i finally saw her at the end of the road and then i chased her jaywalking style. SUDDENLY!!!

If you want to know the ending of the story asked me personnally...(no i never get hit by any vechile)

i blogged @
12:35 AM

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Now it is time for....HAPPY STORY!!!!!!

the story is"The man who never stopped showing his teeth"

Once there a man who cannot stopped showing his teeth. HIs name was.....John Ang
He cannot stopped showing his teeth and people kept insulting him, he still keep showing his teeth. One day, when he died.........He was still showing his teeth. Why?
(he doesn't suffered any teeth problem)

This question is to be answered by non-malay dude.

(hint)John +Ang =Joang

i blogged @
3:29 AM

LOve story

Do You Love
Someone This Much ?

Girl: Slow down, I'm scared.
Guy: No, this is fun.
Girl: No it's not. Please it's 2 scary!
Guy : Then tell me you love me.
Girl: Fine, I love you. Slow down!
Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.
Girl : *hugs him*
Guy: Can you take my helmet off and
put it on yourself? It's bugging me.
Girl:Alright, now slow down
Guy: I love you babe
Girl: I love you too, please just slow
down now! Please!

(in the paper the next day):

A motorcycle had crashed into a
building because of a brake failure.
Two people were on it, but only 1
had survived .

The truth was that halfway down the
road, the guy realized that his brakes
broke, but he didn't want to let
the girl know. Instead, he had her say
she loved him and felt her hug one last
time, then he had her wear his helmet
that she would live even though it
that he would die.

i blogged @
3:28 AM

Ghost Story

Alrite frenz.Now we are gather here to listen to a story. Here how it goes.

There was a young man who work as a grve keeper in Lim Chua Kang. In order to go home, he needed to take the bus 393 and 393 has only double-decker bus.

So after a long tiring night, he decided to go home. He went to the bus-station and wait normally. Then the bus finally come.

He boarded the bus and notice that he was alone with the bus driver and an old lady with white hair, white clothes and everything white.

He decided to go on the upper deck but SUDDENLY, the old lady stopped him and SAID

"Don't go upstairs, upstairs not SAFE".

The young man was shocked and followed the old lady advised. The next day morning he went to work as usual. and by nightime he waited for the bus but this time, if he met the old lady again in the bus, he will decided to ask why.

Lady luck was on his side and the old lady was in the bus alone with the driver. The young man felt afraid but just boarded the bus. When he decided to go up deck, the old lady stopped him and SAID

"Don't go upstairs, upstairs not SAFE".

"Why?"the young man asked.

The old lady reply......

"Don't go upstairs, upstair no bus driver."

i blogged @
3:10 AM

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ok babi buto aka Rasyidah... Let me explain to you slowly so u can understand.

Siti Dina to aku .Rasyidah bodoh

i blogged @
4:36 AM

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ah ras aku tahu lah siti dina tu sape slengeh tak payah beritahu pun dah tahu lah. Sebenarnya sd 2 aku bodoh.

At tuition learnt maths.Saw Namirah. i dan kai daniel disturbed her . Going to change my music box soon

i blogged @
4:59 AM

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Dye my hair purple on my fringe and some photos. Here is my newly created friendster.


i blogged @
3:04 AM

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Just post a couple of new song at my music box???

I recommend hearing next plane home and victory.??

Picture i take from Bukit Batok Nature Park doing project.??

i blogged @
7:56 PM

I"ll fall for u.

write your disclaimer here. Spelled it out as Z-A-F-I-R.
Pronounced as ZA-FIR.
Currently 13 and turns 14 on 09/11.
Gurls are also allowed to view my blog :D
Used to be in BukitView pri.
Now BukitView sec, 2e2'09!

. Afiq, Kai, Dan, Jp,Shaz, Kai jie
Hani, Hamizan, Effendy ,Shakir

Daniel, Rahul, Izazz(my step brother>
Gurl who is frenz
Fathin, Fathihah,Agustine
Aqilah, Olivia, Khadijah,Fatin(E1)
Rasyidah, Hidayah, Maisarah, Atiqah
Shahira,Fatin(teck whye)
Nuraifana, Farhanah and Hasinah

Remember me tonight when u asleep
write about yourself here.
Yo this is Zafir From 2E2
Study at bukit View .
Sex M/F Age 14.
Hobby soccer, flirting and breaking rules.
Other than that please enjoy(:
Currently unattached!
my freindster account
@yahoo.com...view k

For the chatterbox

Tagboard goes here!

No linking.

Sorry guys don;t do linked!


Rahul: A very tall student but i'm more taller
Shazni:member of the PSL!!!OMG
Ramez: An indian teacher
Kai Jie: A chair who is a man
Wayne:A faithful wannabe indian student
JP:The boy who shocked 2E2 for his improvement
WZ:Mathematical genious
Shao Chuan:Disgusting dirty fellow
Jamie:A fierce but caring counsillor
Farhin:????(its complicated)
Fiona:A born-to-be chairman
Fathihah:My step_sister
Nicky:A good environmentalist..Save Earth
Khati:A good indian teacher
Jionghui: A gurl who want to be a pig farmer
Hang Wing:unique hairstyle
Agustine:A small mushroom
Miss Ang Li Ting:A gurl who is proud to be a lychee
Jocelyn: A good frenz of cherlyn..All the lyn
Cherlyn: a good frenz of jocelyn
Devaki: volleyball maniac!!
Polly:Best singer for 2E2
Kristal:A good gurl
Amber:A gurl who has fierce face??
Sandiah:A gentle giant
Ser Ning: A clever gurl who sit behind me

Aku bingung memikirkannya.

Im Yours.MP3 - Jason Mraz

Mahligaimu Dari Air Mataku - Lestari

Hot n Cold (Beautiful Remix) - DjxNy
%purplish.STEPS ; {lovewrecked} {lovewrecked}
Image: McFly ; google.
Adobe Photoshop

Blog Description